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Mina (3 years) and Me (Daddy) are adventurers of the mountains and nature. Together we go on expeditions summer and winter seeking precious moments along our way. Simply being together the two of us, and the mountains. Time and energy to be, to explore, to master, to reflect, to learn, to find balance, to harvest precious moments.

Å hoppe i det!

Mina og meg (Mina & I) are explorers and adventurers. Mina is 2,5 years old and I (Daddy) a few years older:) We seek new adventures and especially love the mountains. Our last project was conducted in the norwegian mountains during winter and lasted 57 days. We skied over 500 km following the mountain chain: Nordryggen.

You can learn more about our projects at and follow us at @minaogmeg

All the best from Mina og meg